Encounters poor children with practical, neighbourly love
About Us
Lord Jesus said:
Let the little children
come to me, and do not hinder them.
(Mark 10:14)
Lord Jesus has cared for children. Hence, we want to care for children as well. We are a child-development ministry dedicated to free children from poverty though the help of our Lord Jesus Christ and God the Father.
Children are at the main focus of CrossChildren's work.
Fight against
We support children, families and their communities in the fight against poverty.
We encourage christians and local churches to provide care to children in their poverty.
We support children, who need help most urgently - regardless of ethnic origin, faith or nationality.
Christian faith
Our Purpose is to promote the Christian faith worldwide. We share the Gospel, that the children repent of their sins, believe in Jesus Christ and grow in faith.
Support to Children
Our purpose is to provide support for poverty, hardship, and other mental, spiritual, or physical deficiencies of children and their families.
Basic needs
Our purpose is to meet the basic needs of children, such as food, clothing, education, etc.
Our purpose is to improve their living conditions in the community, where they live.
We are selflessly active and do not pursue our own economic purposes.
”3-C” Approach
''3-Pairs-of-Eyes'' Principle
1. Christ-Centered: Jesus Christ is the center of our work and we try to show his love to others, as he said ”love thy neighbour as you love yourself”.
2. Christians-Supported: We work together with faithful Christians and churches in all over the world. We need Christians like you to support the poor children.
3. Child-Focused: Children are at the main focus of CrossChildren’s work. We work hard, so that the children and families overcome the poverty.
We Profess our faith in God
As Christians, we profess our faith in Jesus, who has called us to serve our fellow human beings - especially our concern is for neglected and poor children in the world.
We are committed to the poor
We are committed to serving the poorest, to reduce their suffering and to improve their living conditions.
We are Trustworthy
We know that we have a responsibility to use the entrusted funds in a purposeful manner and to use them for the greatest possible benefit of the poor.
We are here for people
We are committed to acting quickly in emergencies where human life is threatened and our intervention is indicated.
Sponsoring a child with CrossChildren is the most cost-effective way to reduce extreme child poverty. It not only addresses a child’s immediate physical needs, but also mental and Spiritual needs.
You as a supporter, can be a part of our work to enable us to deliver spiritual, economic, social and physical care to thousands of poor children.