Although most sponsors and donors of CrossChildren International Ministries share our values for respectful and caring interaction with children, we, unfortunately, find repeatedly that some people want to use the child sponsorship program for inappropriate means. To respond to this sad reality, CrossChildren has developed specific guidelines for communication between sponsors and children that must be followed. These guidelines are designed to ensure that children are properly protected and that all interactions between sponsors and children are conducted in accordance with our core values and principles.


CrossChildren reviews letters from sponsors to ensure they are in compliance with the organization’s/association’s core values. Any communications, messages, photos, or videos on the My Sponsored Child portal that are not in line with these values will not be forwarded to the children by CrossChildren. This verification ensures that children receive only positive and supportive messages from their sponsors that promote their well-being and development.


To arrange a visit between sponsors and their sponsored children, sponsors must contact CrossChildren International Ministries at least 8 weeks prior to the scheduled flight. Before a visit can take place, the sponsor must agree to the guidelines for a sponsor visit. It is important to note that the sponsor may only visit the sponsored child for a maximum of 1-2 days. This restriction protects the child’s welfare and ensures the smooth running of the sponsorship program. Also, contact information such as phone, email, and social media may not be shared – see Sections 4 and 5 below for more information.


At CrossChildren, protecting children is a top priority. We believe that it is important not only to protect children from abuse but also from actions that may make them more susceptible to harm. All the children we support live in difficult circumstances because of poverty, health problems, and family challenges. It is especially important to us to protect the privacy of each family and uphold the dignity of each child. Therefore, we expect our sponsors to be respectful and sensitive to the children’s information and photos, and to be aware of how your actions may affect the children’s well-being.


CrossChildren takes a very strict stance against direct (digital) contact between sponsors and children via social networks. This attitude is primarily based on child protection, which we take very seriously. But the Sponsor should also be protected from unpleasant inquiries, such as requests for money, which may not even come from the child itself, but from people around him/her.

That is why we also expressly ask our sponsors to refrain from any contact via social networks with the sponsored child, his relatives or friends! Please let us know if your sponsored child or someone close to him tries to contact you in this way.

Many parents of their children are not agreed to have contact with strangers/sponsors from other countries through social media like WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. It is strictly forbidden. Also, parents do not allow their children to use Social Media apps at a very young age and they don’t have enough money for that. CrossChildren wants to avoid the problems like, sexual conversations, harassment, blackmail, etc. If you are a sponsor, you will be informed about your child only through the ”My Sponsored Child” Portal.

It is also possible that other person around your sponsored child could be trying to chat with you and ask for money, etc. Please inform us, if someone texts you with the name of your sponsored Child.

You are allowed to have contact with your sponsored child but only through CrossChildren. The ”My Sponsored Child” portal has a function like Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp. There, every sponsor can share with the child what is in his/her heart.


The handwritten letter contact with the sponsored child is a wonderful opportunity to get to know and understand the child and his/her surroundings better. Your Sponsored child will be happy to receive mail from you. Even a brief greeting is a sign of loving appreciation and contributes to a child’s development. If you sponsor a child, you always have the opportunity to be an active part of his life.

As long as the sponsorship exists, the postal address of the sponsors will not be given to the children and vice versa. Unfortunately, there are some people who misuse the address of the sponsor to ask for money, claiming that the child is sick or has had an accident, etc., i.e. they send false information. Unfortunately, there are also people who misuse the address of the children, which has led to unpleasant situations for the children and their families. Therefore, contact between sponsors and sponsored children is possible only through the portal ”My sponsored child”. All other ways are strictly prohibited by CrossChildren.

Anyone who disregards or violates our policies and this behavior becomes apparent at CrossChildren, will face unpleasant financial and legal consequences.


CrossChildren International Ministries
Germany, BW