
Encounters poor children with practical, neighbourly love


Frequently Asked Questions and Answers



Here are the short and clear answers to the questions asked by our sponsors. If you have a few more questions, please write your questions on contact page or you can use the Live Chat.


A child sponsorship is a particularly sustainable and personal form of support, in which you can experience through the contact with your sponsored child, how the life and environment of the child change for the better. When you become a child sponsor, you support not only the child, but also the family and the child’s environment. However, a sponsorship is not a form of adoption; the children remain in their familiar environment.

The children can stay in the sponsorship program until the age of 22. This gives them the opportunity to complete an apprenticeship or finish their studies to stay on their foot. 

We would like to encourage you to make a long-term commitment to your sponsored child! However, you decide how long your sponsorship will last. If you can’t or don’t want to continue your sponsorship, we will look for a new sponsor for the child.

  • Help; health care, hygiene training and supplementary food if necessary; a caring and safe Christian environment to grow in self-confidence and social skills; personal attention, guidance and love.
  • The opportunity to hear the gospel, learn about Jesus Christ and grow in faith. 

The children are visited and selected directly in the slums by CrossChildren volunteers. Extreme poverty and lack of basic services are most prevalent in the villages. Children who attend Sunday school at a Christian assembly (Church) are given special consideration in the selection process. There are also volunteers on site who work professionally at the local authority and have an insight into the circumstances of the poorest of the poor so that they can prioritise them.

No. We help children from other religions or beliefs as well. So that, they could know the Gospel and visit the local Church regularly and grow in faith.

  1. The children are warmly invited to Sunday school.
  2. Every month we send them a Christian article.
  3. Through your letters, you can encourage your Sponsored Child to grow in faith in Jesus Christ. In addition, the whole family, relatives and neighbours will read your letter as they are very enthusiastic and connected. Such a letter spreads quickly and can be very effective in sharing the gospel.
  4. Through personal contacts of our volunteers in India.

Yes, Our volunteers in India have personal contact with the children and their parents. However, there is nobody who acts as an intermediary between the children and CrossChildren.

The donation goes directly from CrossChildren to the sponsored child’s family. No third person comes into contact with it. The account of your sponsored child’s mother is used for this purpose, as she has the best overview of the child’s needs (e.g. learning materials, school uniform, food, etc.). It is very important to the parents that the child of school age does not have to work.

Yes. The child you support has only one sponsor – and that is you! You are the special person to child. Each child has only one sponsor, which is why the sponsor’s prayers, letters and support mean so much to a child. We believe that the relationship that develops between sponsors and children is instrumental in a child’s growth and development. In addition, this one-to-one relationship provides children with the message that they matter, that they are valuable and that someone outside of their family cares about them and their future.

There are various points and criteria to be considered when determining the poverty category to which a child is assigned. Therefore, a child is labeled as the “Poorest Child” when she/he meets the specified points and criteria for it. This label encompasses multiple children who fall below the poverty line set by the State.

For example, a book must meet certain requirements to be designated as Amazon Bestseller, New York Times Bestseller, or Spiegel Bestseller etc.(Bestseller: singular term). This doesn’t mean there is only one bestseller book in a category, but rather all the books that meet the criteria for the Bestseller rank.

No, if you sponsor a child, you do not enter into any contractual obligation. You can end your commitment at any time – without giving a reason. 

Yes, please inform us 8 weeks before your scheduled flight and one of our staff will guide you to a child when you reach the child’s town or village.

Yes! you can do that. However, you have to choose another child individually on the Sponsor page. Otherwise, you can register on the Be Chosen page to be chosen by one of the poor children.

Yes, it is possible to take over a sponsorship together with friends, family or relatives. However, there must always be one main contact person for the sponsorship, from whose account the monthly amount is debited.

Yes, of course! If you could, please consider supporting more than one child. If you would like to donate more than a regular amount, just let us know and we will change your monthly donation.

You can cancel your sponsorship at any time. Just log in to My Account portal and cancel your sponsorship with just one click. You can also inform us through email:

You can cancel your sponsorship at any time. We will do our best to find a new sponsor for your sponsored child.

You can change your address at any time in the My Account portal or write us an email:

You can change Account details at any time in the My Account portal or write us an email:

Your address will remain anonymous to the family of your Sponsored Child. However, CrossChildren will use it if anything needs to be sent by post.


Through photos, Videos and Hand-written letters. You can keep yourself informed online at any time about the development of the child – such as the state of health, family situation and success at school – via the ”My Sponsored Child” portal.

The handwritten letter contact with the sponsored child is a wonderful opportunity to get to know and understand the child and his/her surroundings better. Your Sponsored child will be happy to receive mail from you. Even a brief greeting is a sign of loving appreciation and contributes to a child’s development. If you sponsor a child, you always have the opportunity to be an active part of his life.

You can log in to My Sponsored Child portal from the upper right-hand corner of any page and upload your handwritten letter. 

Yes. Steps to do that:

  • Please write your letter on a A4 paper.
  • Scan the letter or take a photo.
  • Please upload it as pdf or jpeg, png – on ”My Sponsored Child” portal.

If you cannot use this portal, that is not a problem. Simply send us your letter by Email. We will then take care of the further proceedings.

Yes. If you cannot write in English, please take help from someone you know well or use DeepL online translation.

Please do not overwhelm your sponsored child with a lot of content. Therefore, it is better to ask simple questions and write simple, child-friendly content.

Please do not ask us or children for social media information, because many parents of children do not want their children addicted to social media and avoid contact with strangers, sexual conversations, harassment, etc.

When inserting or sending photos, please be careful not to show too much wealth or send pictures of the beach, etc.

CrossChildren takes a very strict stance against direct (digital) contact between sponsors and children via social networks. This attitude is primarily based on child protection, which we take very seriously. But the Sponsor should also be protected from unpleasant inquiries, such as requests for money, which may not even come from the child itself, but from people around him/her.

That is why we also expressly ask our sponsors to refrain from any contact via social networks with the sponsored child, his relatives or friends! Please let us know if your sponsored child or someone close to him tries to contact you in this way.

No. Many parents of their children are not agreed to have contact with strangers/sponsors from other countries through social media like WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. It is strictly forbidden. Also, parents do not allow their children to use Social Media apps at a very young age and they don’t have enough money for that. CrossChildren wants to avoid the problems like, sexual conversations, harassment, blackmail, etc. If you are a sponsor, you will be informed about your child only through the My Sponsored Child Portal.

It is also possible that other person around your sponsored child could be trying to chat with you and ask for money, etc. Please inform us, if someone texts you with the name of your sponsored Child.

You are allowed to have contact with your sponsored child but only through CrossChildren. Thanks for your understanding.

Once a year – during Christmas time. Please log in to My Sponsored Child portal.

You will receive photos/videos anyway. We also ask the parents and write you about your Sponsored Child. Just log in to My Sponsored Child portal. 


1€ / 1$ per day. You can sponsor a child for as little as 31€ / 31$ per month. (The cost of the sponsorship will be shown on the Sponsor page as per your currency of the country automatically – This service is available for most of the countries on our website).

Your support not only benefits one child but also benefits the family and the environment. This is the only way a development can be truly sustainable.

CrossChildren uses the sponsorship contributions efficiently and sustainably.

  • We are audited
  • We are transparent
  • We are recommended
  • We are trustworthy

You can change your monthly contribution at any time, but sponsorship is only possible from at least 31€ / 31$ per month – which means 1 € / 1$ per day is the minimum. Just contact us here or send an email to

Note: The cost of the sponsorship will be shown on the Sponsor page as per your currency of the country automatically – This service is available for most of the countries on our website.

Yes. Just inform us through email, how much you want to donate monthly:

You can also donate for the child’s birthday or at Christmas, etc. Please do this as early as possible, so that your support reaches the child at the right time. You can also donate to the child’s family. Just click here: Gifts

CrossChildren International Ministries is recognized as a non-profit organization – you can therefore submit the donation receipt to your tax office. You will receive it every month automatically after the confirmation of the transaction to our Bank account.

CrossChildren is recognized as a non-profit – so you can submit the donation receipts to your tax office. Your Donation receipts can be downloaded at any time on the ”My Account” portal.

You can change your Bank payment method at any time on the My Account portal or write us an email:

Unfortunately no. We do not forward any packages to your sponsored child, because the costs for postage and customs would not be proportionate. Even if you were willing to pay the cost, we would not be able to forward your package. Because there would always be an employee on site to take care of the packages and pick them up from the post office or customs – which can be very time-consuming.

However, you have the following possibilities: Click here


CrossChildren International Ministries is a Christian child development non-profit organization, that exists to encounter children in poverty with practical, neighbourly love. Our ministry to children is: We encourage local churches and individual Christians to provide support to children in their economic, physical, social and spiritual poverty, enabling them to become responsible, God-loving Christian adults.

CrossChildren’s ultimate goal is to encourage and equip children to fulfil God’s purpose for their lives. This can be achieved through your support.

Yes. CrossChildren International Ministries is a globally recognized non-profit organization. According to a UN forecast, India is the world’s most populated country with 1.4 billion people (2023).

Yes. CrossChildren is a non-denominational organization with Christian roots and values. 

We know that we have a responsibility to use the entrusted funds in a purposeful manner and to use them for the greatest possible benefit of the poor. We are sincere and dedicated to helping Children with your funds.

  • We are audited
  • We are transparent
  • We are recommended
  • We are trustworthy

We would work all over the world but currently we are focusing on India. India has a huge population and extreme poverty.

The hallmark of CrossChildren’s work is one-to-one child sponsorship. A sponsor is someone who has made the decision to personally invest in the life of a child in need. We also use the funds to help the children’s family and surroundings of your sponsoring child. 

Anil Kumar is the executive director and president of CrossChildren International. He has the compassion to help children and is committed to doing God’s will.

CrossChildren International’s headquarters is located in Germany, BW.

We are the No.1 in the world with low administration costs when it comes to Sponsorship. We work very professionally and administration costs are therefore part of successful project work.

You can get directly involved by telling your friends and family about our faithful ministry. In this way, children’s lives will be changed. Thank you and God bless you.


✔ Solved: Just click on ”Forget Password?” and create a new one. Please always use the strong password. 

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